Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter One: Welcome!

    • A Little Laugh

    • Welcome and introduction

    • Note taking guide

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Games

    • A Bright Spot

    • Creating a Rich Math Environment

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Puzzles

    • Keep Your Smile!

    • The Importance of Puzzles

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Discussions & Examples

    • Talk It Out

    • Modeling Math Conversations

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Resources

    • Fndts5

    • The Right Support

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Posters

    • Fndts6

    • Posters and More

  • 7

    Chapter 7: The end!

    • Fndts7

    • A Review

    • Resource Links

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